IGSE graduate and students published their thesis on ELT journals.

2014.04.30조회수 682

IGSE  EMD 5th wave Bae, Susanna, EMD 2nd year student Seo, Jin-In, Nam, Hee-Kyeong, and ELT 2nd year student Song, Eunha are going to publish their thesis on major ELT journals in Korea as below.

- Bae, Susanna & Nesi, Hilary,
Korean and English Dictionary Questions: What does the Public Want to Know? , Lexicography: Journal of ASIALEX, 1. 
DOI: 10.1007/s40607-014-0002-3

- Seo, J.-I. (2014). The impact of cognitive style on errors in English writing through extensive reading: A case study. English Teaching, 69 (2)

- Nam, H.K. (2014). A study on developing materials for strategic use of electronic dictionaries for Korean English learners' self-regulated writing. Korealex, 23.

- Song, Eunha & Jeong, Young-kuk. (2014).  Historical survey of equivalent errors in English-Korean dictionaries. Korealex, 23.




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