
영어통번역학과 2020학년도 교육과정 상세 테이블
Semester No Course Weekly Hours Credits Type
1 1 Vietnamese Speech Ⅰ / Korean Speech Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
2 K-V & V-K Sight Translation Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
3 K-V & V-K Translation Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
4 Consecutive Interpreting Ⅰ (A→B) 2 2 Major Core
5 Consecutive Interpreting Ⅰ (B→A) 2 2 Major Core
6 K-V & V-K Practice Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
7 Terminology for Interpreting Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
8 Vietnamese History & Culture Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
Subtotal 16 16
2 9 Vietnamese Speech Ⅱ / Korean Speech Ⅱ 2 2 Major Core
10 K-V & V-K Sight Translation Ⅱ 2 2 Major Core
11 K-V & V-K Translation Ⅱ 2 2 Major Core
12 Consecutive Interpreting Ⅱ (A→B) 2 2 Major Core
13 Consecutive Interpreting Ⅱ (B→A) 2 2 Major Core
14 K-V & V-K Practice Ⅱ 2 2 Major Core
15 Terminology for Interpreting Ⅱ 1 1 Major Core
16 Vietnamese History & Culture Ⅱ 2 1 Major Core
Subtotal 16 16
3 17 Business Consecutive Interpreting Ⅰ (A→B) 2 2 Major Core
18 Business Consecutive Interpreting Ⅰ (B→A) 2 2 Major Core
19 K-V / V-K Speech & Writing Ⅰ 2 1 Major Core
20 Business Translation Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
21 Simultaneous Interpreting (A→B) 2 2 Major Core
22 Vietnamese Politics & Economy Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
23 Vietnamese Laws Ⅰ 2 2 Major Core
Subtotal 14 13
4 24 Business Consecutive Interpreting Ⅱ (A→B) 2 2 Major Core
25 Business Consecutive Interpreting Ⅱ (B→A) 2 2 Major Core
26 K-V / V-K Speech & Writing Ⅱ 2 1 Major Core
27 Business Translation Ⅱ 2 2 Major Core
28 Vietnamese Politics & Economy Ⅱ 2 2 Major Core
29 Simultaneous Interpreting Ⅱ 2 2 Major Core
30 Vietnamese Laws Ⅱ 2 2 Major Core
Subtotal 14 13
Total 60 58
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International Graduate School of Language Education, 17, Yangjae-daero 81-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea, 05408,
TEL : 82-2-6477-5114, Admission Contact TEL : 82-80-804-0505
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